Article marketing is an extremely powerful way to market your website and gain traffic. In fact, many webmasters now rely solely on article marketing in order to generate website traffic and with wonderful results. There is no doubt that article marketing works. People love to read fresh new content … [Read more...]
Blog About – Month End Real Estate Sales
The end of the month is right around the corner and over the next week or two all of the MLS's across north america will be be posting the Real Estate sales and listing stats as well as the average prices. What a gold mine of information to use and reuse. One of the main things that all news … [Read more...]
Perfect Phrases for Real Estate Agents & Brokers
The Right Phrase for Every Situation…Every Time In our current real estate climate, it's more important than ever to have the right words at your fingertips. Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned seller, Perfect Phrases for Real Estate Agents and Brokers has just the right words and … [Read more...]
The Complete Guide to Passing Your Real Estate Sales License Exam
In a January 2007 study, it was found that 4,306 candidates for a real estate sales associate license sat for the examination. Those who were taking the examination for the first time (1,891) had a pass rate of 44 percent, a little below the previous year's average pass rate of 46 … [Read more...]
Using public domain content for your articles
There are many webmasters that find writing articles for their site to be a very tedious task. Many people who need to write articles also procrastinate as much as they can to delay the amount of writing they need to do. Many people dread writing articles because they find researching for the topic … [Read more...]
Creating article outlines
As a Realtor one of the ways that we can increase the number of inbound links that we get is to write articles. This I have covered before. One thing that you can do to write articles and press releases much better and faster is to have created article outlines that you can use for all … [Read more...]
List of 209 article submission sites
OK, I have mentioned some sites before that you can submit your articles to but here is a massive list of sites that you can submot your articles to. The best place I think to find article submission sites that will actually help you most is to use the spreadsheet from info.vilesilencer. Here … [Read more...]
Creating an outline for your article
We’ve done it through junior high, it expanded longer through high school, then on college it became chapters. No matter how many times a person have done it, writing articles has proven to be a task many has continuously avoided. Now at a time when writing articles could help your job or work, … [Read more...]
Articles – How to get started
Owning, running and maintaining an internet based business or a site needs articles. Plain and simple, every who has a site knows this. Even those who don’t have sites but are frequent internet users knows this as well. Articles quench the thirst for information and knowledge of the people. Plus, … [Read more...]
Using articles to build your list
Getting customers in your site should always be ranked as high as the importance of the quality and the excellence of the product and the services you provide. They should go hand in hand in providing your customers the satisfaction they get in exchange for the money they have paid for them. … [Read more...]