Ramblings about the internet

Last night I was sitting at my computer writing a review for a Realtor Internet marketing book and just before I was about to post the review I stopped and looked through the review. As I was reading the review I realized that the book itself was more about selling the book than it was about helping Realtors to really take advantage of the internet. Obviously I did not hit the post button and that led me to a bit of a sleepless night and this post.

I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately about just what I should be doing with my time on the internet and with this weblog in particular. What kind of information I should be putting out? I have been compiling internet marketing information for years and have also been driving my wife crazy with my comments about Real Estate marketing and what is right and what is wrong with what Realtors do today to market themselves. This has been leading me to the idea of writing a real estate marketing book.

Three years ago I got started writing a Real Estate marketing book but lost interest in it about half way through as most of the info was just all of the same blather that I was seeing everywhere else. I was grabbing what I thought was the best of Craig Proctor, Mike Ferry, some of the older trainers such as Floyd Wickman and Brian Tracy.
In the end after going through all that I realized that in terms of telemarketing, direct mail, organization and following up leads through the mail and over the phone that I had nothing new to offer so I let the project fall by the wayside.

Now I am looking at all of the internet knowledge that I have picked up over the last eight or so years and realize that I do easily have enough to offer in the Real Estate Internet Marketing space. I have been going though all of my notes and sketched an outline for a book that I hope to have completed some time over the next month or so, just in time for new years planning for Realtors.

At this point my book will be focusing on all of the essentials for Realtor marketing on the internet. I am going to be setting up a good solid plan that any Realtor can follow in creating a web presence and how to convert online web surfers into real customers. As I am sure you know by reading through this weblog there are a lot of facets to marketing on the internet, the project as I see it has to be all encompassing because a lot of what I see on the internet is noise and buzzwords with no real plan behind how to succeed with a business on the internet.

I hope that you are as excited about these ideas as I am in setting them up and as soon as I have everything put together I will telegraph everything through the weblog. In the meantime if you have any questions about the book please email me at realtor@xptechsupport.com.

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