New web based listing tool

I have seen a few of these types of products on the market but none specifically for Real Estate. The following is a listing video that you can have buyers or sellers play directly from your webiste. The application looks very cool to the end user as they can see a picture of a house and by clicking on the play button they can see a video of the property. As great as this is you will want to make sure that you have lots of visitors coming to your site as the product is only good if you have the traffic checking it out. This feature I do not believe beyond being a great listing presentation selling point is going to get anyone to your site on it’s own.

Buying a home is an exasperating experience for buyers, who are already anxious before they ever pick up the phone to call an agent; so anything a broker can do to create confidence and impart critical decision-making information will give that agency a competitive edge.

Whether selling resale homes, new developments, or even commercial properties, potential buyers need information. The more compelling the property descriptions, the easier it is for buyers to digest, and more leads will be generated.

By creating voice-over descriptions of properties, brokers attract more listings as potential sellers will see that firm as the ‘go-to’ real estate broker.

MRPwebmedia provides ‘Real Estate AudioTours’ of real estate listings: new home developments with AudioTours of the new community and its advantages, or AudioTours of individual resale properties. A text listing that merely states specifications just won’t generate a call-to-action; by telling a story with a human voice brokers will attract more listings, more leads, and more sales.

MRPwebmedia delivers ‘Real Estate AudioTours’ using signature voices from a talent pool of hundreds of talented voice-over professionals. MRPwebmedia offers free, no obligation auditions plus other services ranging from complete website design to creation of direct marketing email campaigns utilizing the latest audio, video, and interactive Flash techniques.

A demo is avaiable for you to check out at mrpwebmedia.

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